Friday, August 5, 2011


I needed to calculate a road, I have no equipment to do so, then what did I do?

I simply drove the road on a car, using certain speed a 100km per hour, that means I was passing 100km per 60 minute, which means, I'm driving 10km per 6minutes.

which means 5km per 3minutes.

So, I was driving 1.66 km per 1 minute.

Passing the road took me 1 minute and 15 seconds.

which means I passed 2.015km  during that minute and 15 seconds.

You drive a car, suddenly you realize while driving the car there is a roundabouts ahead of you, the road is slippery, you have exactly 1 second to make up your mind.

You get two options
1. prepare yourself for impact, and do nothing.
2. hit the break, but you'll lose control, and the car might flip.

People do not know it, but they do use physics and calculates, let me put an easier example.

When you hit the break, your mind calculates, not like writing it as a scientist , judging from the distance and speed, and the break power, to increase it, to decrease it, it's all physics processed in the brain.

Simple test, throw a ball on a person, if this person catches it, then this person process information very well, and his mind can calculate physics very well.

if he can't catch the ball, then you shouldn't let this person drives, because his brain cannot process very well physics and it's the simplest task.

Maybe, just maybe they should test the driver's reflects of catching the ball.

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